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Brain-Focused Functional Medicine

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Brain-Focused Functional Medicine

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Brain-Focused Functional Medicine

Jason Gourlas, MPAS, PA-C, ICP, ICT

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a detective.

While serving as an Army medic, I realized that medicine combined detective work with my other love, science. So, I went through the U.S. Army Physician Assistant Program at Fort Sam Houston and the journey began.

During my 26 years in medicine, I’ve had extensive clinical experience in family practice, emergency medicine, neurotology (a hearing and balance specialty), and surgical critical care.

In 2006, I suffered my own health challenges for which my conventional medical training and experience provided few treatment options and certainly no cures.

I began to look into alternative, integrative, and functional (root cause) medicine. It was there that I found the answers that I needed. With dietary and lifestyle modification, my issues resolved.

I was hooked.

I obtained more formal training through the Institute of Functional Medicine and eventually, board certification through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Over the years of practicing medicine, my view of disease has been shaped by my experience and the relentless pursuit of a deeper understanding.

You are mind, body, and spirit.

Most providers are entrenched in the reductionist conventional medical paradigm, attempting to separate and treat the various aspects of you in isolation or ignoring some altogether.

The result is incomplete, disjointed, or ineffective care.

As a functional medicine practitioner, I listen and will consider your whole story.

I will be your “private eye”, doggedly running down the myriad deficiencies and toxicities contributing to your dis-ease, and partnering with you on your journey to recover resilience.

Many blessings,

Jason Gourlas, MPAS, PA-C, ICP, ICT
Diplomate, American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners
Certified Brain Health Coach, Amen Clinics
IASIS Clinical Advisor